May 12, 2020

Obedience Unto the Lord

Obedience Unto the Lord

Is there anyone willing to Praise God?


Last week went on one about be ye separate, and I know that the Lord is telling each of us that there are some people in our lives that we are going to have to make a point to see less of. Why because we know that obedience is what the Lord demands from each of us.

If you want to be obedient to the Lord let me hear a loud Amen. One of the first things that God ask his people to do is to love him with all their heart, soul and might, give God all of you.

And that is where the majority of people miss the boat, they are on the outside looking in, sitting in church wondering why you seem to be having such a great time. I need to tell somebody I have a great time because I, let me say it again because I Love the life that God has blessed me with.

You see you don’t know my story, you don’t know from which rock God pull me from under, you don’t know about the nights that I spent not knowing my own name or where I lived.

You don’t know the many days I believed I was died but only awoke to find that I was still alive so when you hear me, when you see praising my God it is because I love the life that God has given. Everything may not be perfect, but it’s alright with me.

You have got to find a reason to be glad that God is a part of your life, you take walking, talking, breathing, laughing, living for granted, but one day you will be like me and you will say every praise is to my God, every word of worship is to my God. Somebody ought to say amen.

Matt 5:15-16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

I am not going to hold you long today, but I want you to understand that obedience and there are a host of things in the word of God that we can talk about when it comes to pleasing God.

But today we will focus on “so let your light shine”. When are you supposed to let your light shine, when are others supposed to recognize God in you. You heard that expression 24/7 well 24/7 is when your light needs to be shining.

Some of you think that when you are at work your light does not have to shine, you think that when you are at school all is fair and you can act like the other kids, but I have a word for you today, your light must shine so that you are continually pleasing God.

Phil 2:15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;

I have said to you on many occasions, this is about learning, maybe you did not know the expectations of God for your life. But your God requires that you walk and talk a certain way. I want you to pay attention to that section that he says “without rebuke”. I need to make this clear, when you do not do what you are supposed to do then you set your own self up to the rebuke of God. God does not have to punish you himself, all he has to do is allow the devourer to have at you.

Money you had planned on doing one thing with can easily be snatched by the devourer, causing you to pay for this and pay for that. Due to your own stubbornness you bring these things upon you and your families. You see what affects one affects them all.

I am trying to get a word to you, I need you to wake up and smell the coffee. Although you may live in this perverse generation you do not have to be perverse. Your light needs to start shinning for God on a continual basis. Take heed you do not want to feel the full rebuke of God.

1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people;

As you are finding your text. Peculiar= strange, odd, unusual.

I need to drive this home, you are not supposed to be like everybody else, and you are different. The things that affect others are not going to affect you and vice versa, the things that others can do and reap no rebuke or punishment for, you cannot and will not ever be able to get away with.

In need to drive that fact home, you are going to have to stop walking through this land, thinking and acting like you are just like the kid or person next to you. You are royalty, you are a chosen generation, God has called you to be something special, and it is about high time that you start acting like that and get stuck off of self and stuck on God. Some of you are to be busy spending too much time pleasing yourself and no quality time pleasing God.

From the famous saying of Janet Jackson “what have you done for me”? What are you doing for God, how is your light shining daily, who are you telling about God, who are you invited to your church home, are you really giving God his fair share of tithes and offering. All of these things are representation of your light shining for God. Get with the business and Get with God!