May 12, 2020

Get Strong In God-Learning to Praise

Get Strong In God-Learning to Praise

Let’s Give God Some Praise!


Every time before we begin to worship I as always start off with giving God some type of praise offering. One would wonder why the pastor always starts in that manner. And it is a very simple answer; there is power in praise.

One thing most worshippers have in common is that they have lives of their own, things that take their concentration and things that way heavy on their minds. When they come into the atmosphere of God they may not always be ready to worship nor may their minds or hearts be prepared for worship.

So I want you to understand the concept. Why do you go to the gas station? Your tank is running a little low. Well praise is your gas station, praise is where you go to get reenergized in God.

That’s why praise is not attractive to everyone because everyone does not want to be reenergized in God. But for those that want that power and strength that only comes from God, then let go of your modesty, let go of your comfort zone, let go of your inhibitions, and learn to get loose in God.

Learn to just express your love for God, learn to scream out to God the debt of your appreciation towards God. There is strength in praising and magnifying God.

Psalm 147:1 (KJV)
1  Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely.

Psalm 33:1 (KJV)
1  Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright.

Psalm 122:1 (KJV)
  I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.

With praise comes strength, and with strength comes the power to defeat the things of this world that raise their ugly heads up against us.


Ephesians 6:12 (KJV)
12  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


It is important that we know who the enemy and what form and shape it is capable of appearing in. It is important that you understand the tools of your trade.


It is like any job that you have, you must be trained how to use the equipment that has been giving to you. You must be trained how to stay safe in the environment in which you have been dwell in.


So it is important that you understand that in order to accomplish the task and duties that God has placed before you, in order to survive in this wicked place in which we reside you going to need a measure of strength daily. You are going to need to know from whence comes your help and your strength and how do you tap into it when you need it.


Make no mistake we need the power of God. The devil comes in many forms, he uses many types of people and circumstances and keep us in trouble and distracted from learning and praising God.


But you need to know that praise brings strength, worshipping brings strength, faithfulness brings strength, dedication brings strength, love brings strength, joy brings strength, commitment brings strength, fasting brings strength, reading the word of God brings strength.


When you are ready to grow in God then you need to tools your trade and then be ready to incorporate them into the flow of your life consistently.


It is time to concentrate on getting strong in God. If you are thankful to God then shout out hallelujah.


Put it in your heart and in your mind let it become activity of your life. Let the power of God shine forth in you, and then you will have the strength and authority to draw others unto God.