May 12, 2020

Every Praise

Every Praise

Let’s give God some Praise!

In this walk of life we are currently in. We should want to learn how to activate the essence of God in our lives. Let me make this clear, I am not talking about activating the power of God today. That is a totally different sermon. I want to talk about activating the essence of God in our lives daily.

This means the remembrance of, the memory of, the celebration of, the tribute of and consistently the recollection of.

Learning how to activate the essence of God within you daily.

We just listen to a song called every praise. And what the songstress was trying to show is how in everything we give praise unto God.

“Every Praise”

Every praise is to our God.
Every word of worship with one accord
Every praise every praise is to our God.

  1. express warm approval or admiration of.
synonyms: commend, express admiration for, applaud, pay tribute to, speak highly of, eulogize, compliment, congratulate, sing the praises of, rave about, go into raptures about, heap praise on,


First and foremost how do you feel about God? Do you have an attitude of servitude for God?

This is going to sum up to where do you see God in your life and how to express God in your life? Are you the type of person that only needs God when you need something, Are maybe on Sundays when you go to church you acknowledge the importance of God.


What does the word of God say about praise?

Psalms 33:1 Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright

Psalms 32:11 Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart.

Psalms 97:12   Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.

Phil 4:4  Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.

Moderation: the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one’s behavior or political opinions.

Careful: making sure of avoiding potential danger, mishap, or harm; cautious.

synonyms: cautious, heedful, alert, attentive, watchful, vigilant, on guard

Supplication: the action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly.

To praise God is more than just singing a song unto God, is far deeper then lyrics, beats and a few dance steps.

The act of praise unto God is an attitude that one develops about the God they worship. I asked earlier how do you feel about God?

For some because they have not seen the power of God work in their lives, then they have not gotten to the point of loving God, so they have no true praise for God. Understandable so; but unfortunately false in how it works.

By faith we believe in the power of God, and through this faith we come to love God regardless of what power we have seen him manifest in our lives.

To praise God is a form of thankfulness to God. We are acknowledging our appreciation for a God that would choose us.

So let’s get too the heart of this sermon what are you doing to activate the essence of God in your life daily.

What type of attitude do you go through life with, are you giving thanks to God in all that you do, are doing the things in your life that are right in the eyes of God?

How do others see you, do they hear the praises of God ringing forth in your mouth, do they hear you acknowledging that it is the power of God that gets you through the day?

Every now and then do you bother to tell someone praise God, do you even acknowledge God around your family, friends or co-workers? Do people even know that you are a believer in Christ Jesus?

All of these practices are things that we do daily, this is how we praise God in everything, our lives are focused on the fact that it is God and God only that makes it possible for me to wake up each morning, it is God that allows my car to start and feet to walk, it is God that allows my employer to find favor in me, it is God that keeps my eyes open and mind alert in all that I do.

You see in my mind and my heart there is full understanding that I am nothing without the presence of God being. My thanks are fully given to God, so in my mouth I praise, in my heart I praise him, in my communication I praise him, in my sorrow I praise, in all things I praise him.

And when we live life in this manner, we are assure that we have activated the presence of God in our lives daily.