May 12, 2020

Did you Recognize God

Did you Recognize God

Somebody Give God a Hallelujah Shout!


We find ourselves going through life faced with the decisions that we need to make each and every day. We look at our situations and wonder why things still seem the same.

But I need to tell somebody today, things may appear to be the same to physical eye, but unto the spiritual eye the change is already being made.  We fell to see it because we do not understand nor recognize the ways that the Lord has authority and power to work.

John 10:27-32 (KJV)
27  My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: When you belong to God, you hear God speaking and you follow the ways of Gods
28  And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand
29  My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. . And them that belong to God cannot be trick and plucked out from God. You need to understand the fine print of the contract with God. When you are chosen by God and you decide to follow him then nothing can pull you from the grip of God, no influences, no friends, no work mates, no spouses, no family, no anything can pluck you from God. People have got to learn to hold their ground and say no. I am not going to go for that. I am not going to allow you or anything else to drag me into a pit of hell.

Because we do not understand how God uses all the things, and people around us and in our lives to make things happen for the better of our lives. We fail to recognize God at work, and because we fail to recognize God working, then we think that our circumstances of life have not changed. Before we realize it we allow the misguided whispers of the devil to drag us back and deeper into pitfalls of life.

This is why we need to read the word of God, learn what God wants for us.

What we need to do is close the physical eye and begin to look with the spiritual eye. Force ourselves to see how God is moving. I need to make this clear, the devil does not want you to see the movement of God in your life. So he is going to throw all kinds of distractions in front of you, he will occupy your time with things that have nothing to do with God.

We become unable to recognize the power and authority that God is applying in our lives. But I need to tell somebody, do not be miss-guided by the schemes and manipulations of the prince of this earth he is here to seek, destroy, and tear down everything that you have. His job to make sure that God gets not the glory and that you do not  identify that has indeed been working in your life.

The one advantage that we have that the people before us did not have is that we have the compete word of God. And John 10:27

2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV)
16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

The word of God is more than just a book to be read on Sunday, it is tool to be used for every application of life, because we do not understand it usages, we fail to use it to its full potential. We run to the devil for assistance instead of running to God. We shut out the assistance of God because we fail we recognize God.