My Rock My Shield My Fortress

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July 31, 2016

My Rock My Shield My Fortress

Passage: Psalms 18:2,Proverbs 16:9,Psalm 24:1

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My Rock My Shield My Fortress


Let’s Give God Some Praise!

There is going to come a time in our lives when we are going to have to call on some power other than our own. Let me put some emphasis on this because you may not understand the times that you can call on God.

Psalms 18:2

The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

There needs to come a time in your life when you recognize that there is a high power at work and that power is not you. We run around this world thinking and acting like we are in control of our own destinies. But I have a word for you today.

Proverbs 16:9 (KJV)
9 A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.


You are not as in complete control as you may imagine. Yes you get to make decisions, you get to screw up, you get to party, you get to live life to the fullest with the illusion that you are in complete control.

Psalm 24:1 (KJV)

The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.


Rather you understand this or not,  you dwell within this earth and being that you do dwell within it, then you belong to the lord no matter what decisions you make or what road of life you take, your life does not belong to you it belongs to the Lord.

But we go through life with this perception and illusion that it is all you and that you are pulling your own strings. What is true is that you are led by you are led by your own desires, and it is your desires that tend to lead you on the wrong road of life.

So if it is my desires that are leading me astray why is it that I cannot put my desires in check?

Because our desire are persuaded by our flesh that is active enemy against the will of God. What did I really just say? I need you to get a grasp of this concept and understanding about your life and things surrounding your life and the reason for certain things taking place in your life.

Your own desires cause the influence of your actions. This person looks good, so I go kick it with them, this item makes me feel a certain type of way so I put it in my holy vessel, these words are simple to say and people understand me right away. Bottom line is you do these things because you have chosen to do so, something that you are in control of changing.

But due to the fact that you do not put your desires in check, then God has a plan and design already laid out to accompany you during your time of rebellion. You want to do this, then God wants to allow this to take place.

Let me say that again because I need to make sure you get this. When you choose to do certain things in life, then God has a step in your life already laid out for how your life needs to go.

You do this then he does that, you do that then he allows this. This is how it works in our lives the more you allow your desires to control your rejection of God, the more God allows the ways of this world to take rule of your life.

You look up one day and you find yourself so deep in the pit of hell that you cannot call out to know one but God. It is not uncommon for the people of God to go through and experience life so dramatically.

It is God’s way of getting you to come to the understanding of all the things that he should represent and be to you in life.


Psalms 18:2

The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.


You need to understand that he is your friend in a time of need, you need to know that when you need some shelter he is there to shelter you and keep you.

You need to know that he is your buckler, that shield that you place on your arm to ward off all attacking things that are being thrown at you, you need to know that at your deepest hour not only is he Lord and Savior of your life but he is the protector and provider, you need to know that when everything and everyone seems to have turned their back on you that there is one that you can turn to.

You need to know that when you are in a battle that there is somebody that is has their eye on you, there is somebody that you can call out to, that there is somebody that is listen to every breath that you take and every sound that you make, you need to know that he is your tower in the midnight hour.

He is your rock your strength your fortress, he is the horn of your salvation, the road that leads to salvation, the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, he is the only friend that you will ever need, the only family that will not disappoint you nor forsake you, he will judge you nor forsake you, he will take your sins and cast them as far east as the winds can blow.

You need to know all that God is and all that he can be, so when you think that you are in control of your life just remember that your life belongs to God and not to you, begin to get your desires in line with the walk of God.

Thank You Jesus.