Have You Taken Advantage of your Opportunities

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April 17, 2016

Have You Taken Advantage of your Opportunities

Passage: Psalm 37:4,1 Peter 1:16-23,Numbers 23:19,Proverbs 1-7

Have You Taken Advantage of your Opportunities?


Let’s give God some Praise!

There were several questions pondering my mind today. It wasn’t so much that I was asking these question rather than just inquiring about them.

So I looked to the hills in which my strength comes and I said Lord why so much pain, why so much disappointment, why does it take so long to experience my heaven right here on earth.

So the Lord answers back to me and says just what is it that I have not done for you my child? So I began to express to him my desires for my material acquisition. The things that I want that feel I need to make me happy in this life in which I live.

And he answers me back and says what is it that I have not done for you my child, what is it that I have not provided you with my child, how have I failed you?

And it was at that point that he began to show me my life, he began to show me my opportunities, he began to show me the knocks that have come to the door, the opportunities of life that would have led to those material things in which I inquiring about earlier.

And then he says “it was not I that did not give you these things but it was you that did not take advantage of the opportunities that I presented before to get these things”.

So my question to each of us today is: are we taking advantage of the opportunities that God is presenting for us in life?

Psalm 37:4 (KJV)
4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Definition To get great enjoyment and pleasure.

Let me make this clear first as servants of God we have to believe everything that God says to be true. If the word of God says it than the word of God means it. When things in our life does not seem to be going in accordance to the way and will of God than we need to do a self-evaluation  of ourselves and determine what part of the instructions did we not get correct.

It is liking any recipe that you have if you do not put the correct ingredients in at the correct time and correct amount, than whatever you are preparing will not turn out correct. So it is with God there is an order in the recipe of God.

Since the passage today is delight thyself also in the Lord so I have to ask are we really finding enjoying and pleasure in the Lord. In our walk, in our attitude, in our conversations, in the way we present our bodies, in our dress in our private time, are we delighting ourselves in God.

God is going to grant us opportunities to get our life right, he is going to open the doors that can lead to the things that we desire but it is us that have to get ourselves right to receive the things of the Lord.

1 Peter 1:16-23
16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

I need to bring this to reality, when God was asking me those questions and he was saying have you began to delight yourself in me, are you finding pleasure in me. Is the word of God and the things of God more important and fulfilling to you than anything else or do you find more pleasure things other than me?

He is the reality of this. You find more pleasure being involved with the things of this world than being involved with me because if you were truly loving me and delighting in me, than you be reading me, you would be trying to learn what type of expectations I have, you would understand what I mean when I say be yea holy because I am holy. If you are going to be about God and serving God and getting the riches of God then it is time to be like God. Be ye holy for I am Holy.

You see this sermon may not have anything to do with anyone else in this room but me. But I need to tell somebody we serve a God that does not lie.

Numbers 23:19 (KJV)
19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

This God that we serve is a jealous God and he does not want us putting anything before him. This is not just about going to the motions and living some resembles of serving God this is about truly delighting oneself in the Lord.

We need to be eating the word of God daily, like it is the substance and lifeline of our existence. If we desire more from God than we need to put in more to God. It is the time when we start to show God that you are the joy of my life, it is you that I desire to be with, it is living life as you have lived life that I desire to do.

I want to be Holy, I want to live a life holy and acceptable unto you. I do not want to be a victim to sin. If you want the things of God if you want God to pour out the flood gates of Heaven onto you, than you are going to have to be true to God. It is time to know that there is only one way to live this life that God has given unto us and that is to live it in fear of the Lord.

Proverbs 1-7 says that the fear of the Lord and the beginning of knowledge and Proverbs 9-10 says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

In order to walk this walk with God you are going to have to get the recipe of how it is done correct. If you want the desires of your heart and you are not just settling for the life that you have now. Then learn the recipe that God has laid out for us, let’s learn to walk with God in sincere truth.

Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand, turn from your wick ways so that I may heal thee, turn from the things that you do that are not holy, learn me, read me, feed on me, for my ways are ways of righteousness, for I am the Lord thy God.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

The problem for most of us here is that we are not getting any younger and it is time to receive of God that which he has for us. All that we desire could be ours if we really sincerely find enjoyment and pleasure in the Lord.

I am going to close with this thought, how do you feel when you read the word of God, do you just read a few verses and put it away or are you fascinated in the word of God, do you really recognize it to be your lifeline of success, fulfillness and pleasure in God?

We have to get ourselves to a point where the word of God is more important that the television, the radio and all the other things in this world. It is going to ball down to this, what is it that you love more than God? Your house, your children, your car, your pets, your job, your friends, your material possessions? If you love any of these things more than God then you are not following and using the correct recipe. You are going to have a hard time getting the desires of your heart from God.