God has not changed

Home / God has not changed
February 29, 2016

God has not changed

Passage: Hebrews 13:8, Ephesian 4:17,1 John 2:3




There seems to be some confusion in the land about a particular scripture. I want to bring your attention to Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

Somewhere somehow somebody got the notion that the road to God, the way of God, the expectations of God, the commands of God, the authority of God, the word of God had changed in the 21 century.

It’s not like God did not know that people would begin to fall for the Okie dok and begin to practice servitude to God in a manner in a manner that he had not described.

The word of God says O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, Gal 3:1 (KJV) Right here God is saying somebody must have put a spell on you because I know you knew better.

I need to tell you that somewhere somehow somebody lost the truth. They took their eyes off of the prize of God and began to focus on the price is right. (You see yawl don’t hear me!) But that pursuit of the dollar has changed the way the modern church has begun to pursue the teaching of God.

They have a water down religion that is spreading nationwide, people are grabbing hold to it because they get to keep doing the same thing they were doing before they enter the doors of the church, and they maintain that way of life, those habits of life, that characters within them contrary to the way of God. But because of this new way religion they think it is all good. But I got a scripture that tells me that the God I grew up serving did not change his rules, and nor has he changed. It’s the people teaching the word of God that has changed.

If you have seventy dollars and know how to feel out corporation papers, you too could become somebody Pastor. This is one of the reasons that the people are being bewitched, this is why the word of God is being dilluded, and it is no longer the word of God but the word of man.

Let’s spend some time in the book of Ephesians 4ch 17 verse. That first verse is saying that you cannot be like everybody else. Walking around with their twisted minds and ideologies about what it takes to get heaven. You see their confused about what is expected of them.

If you tell them they can’t do a certain thing then they may not come back no more! If you tell them they can’t wear a certain thing they may not come back no more! If you tell them they can’t walk or talk a certain way they may not come back again. And God forbid if you tell them they can’t date a certain person of the same sex they may not come back again. And if they don’t come back then these churches can’t get the tithes and offerings to fatten their pockets.

There’s some confusion in the land somewhere!

Listen to verse 18, God says their understanding is darken and they are alienated from God. In case you don’t know this means (separated, isolated, confused). they have distance themselves from God due to the blindness of their own hearts.

You need to understand this, this means in their hearts they wanted to continue to do the things that they were doing, they desire to continue in that life style.

Let’s take a sidebar over the 1 John 2:3, just for a moment. (READ FIRST) You see these 21st century churches don’t want to take you to this verse, because it forces you to understand that you have to become accountable and change.

I need you to really focus in on what these next few scriptures are saying. If you had thought that you could continue your old life, then you didn’t know Christ!

(People see the evil and corruption of the world but yet they desire to still be a part of it. The word of God says there is a way of life that seems fine, but in the end it only leads to death)

And that is bottom line there. God has not changed! And the way to him has not changed. Somebody better come real. You can’t tell me that it is okay to sleep with whomever you feel like when you fell like it, you can’t tell me that you can get drunk and party on Saturday and sing in the choir Sunday, you can’t tell me that you can masquerade as a man on Sunday and dress like a queen on Monday and its okay. You see you can’t tell me that the way and the walk to God has changed. My word says I am the same yesterday, today and forever more

Let me get back to Ephesian’s 22, I am going to let the word of God speak to you for a minute. Because there is too much confusion in the land.

Listen carefully the new man is created in righteousness and holiness. You want to be a child of God then you need to first separate your mind from the thinking of this world. What the world thinks is good and acceptable in the eyes of God is a lie. What is acceptable is righteousness and holiness. There is not in between. Ifg you dropped day tonight and stand before God, you think you can tell him; I was in between changes I just had a few more things to handle.

The religious teaching of the world today will cause a lot of people to go straight to hell. I come from the old school religion where you got down on your hands and knees and prayed diligently for the baptism of the Holy Ghost, so that you are able to combat the forces of evil that approach you each and every day.


Somewhere somehow the new church has taken the seek (this word means pursue/hunt for/search for) out of Seek you first the kingdom of God, they have begun to tell the lie that you come in any way that you are and it is ok. You don’t have to change, God understand that you are different, God understand that you are struggling and trying to get it together. There are two parts to that scripture Ask and you shall receive and seek you will find.

You see what they don’t understand is when you don’t seek, you stop searching, you stop trying, you stop repenting, you stop praying, you stop changing, you whole life of seeking Christ is a lie because you never chased after him to begin with.

You see Christ as this micro wave God! Give it to me now God! One of the most important elements of maintaining a relationship with God is walking in holiness.

Without Holiness you are going to have a hard time getting in, if there is a blemish on that robe you are not getting in. But because these 21st century churches need to keep the church full they can’t afford to tell you that the life you are living is still leading you to hell. Nobody wants to hear that their walk is in vain.

You are going to have to accept the fact that the road to God has not changed, there is a divine prescription that has been put in place and the key ingredient is holiness, and it is much easier to walk in holiness if you can obtain the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

Let me close this. This Christian way of life it isn’t to be played with. What’s the point of serving God if you have no interest in getting to heaven! Then if you have an interest in getting to heaven then get the correct understanding of what it takes to get there.

Do not let anyone bewitch you and tell you that its okay you’ve got plenty of time to get it right. The word of God says tomorrow is not even promised.