Getting on the right track

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February 22, 2016

Getting on the right track

Passage: John 14:26 26,John 16:8, Romans *:1



One of the biggest obstacles that tends to befall man in their efforts to getting on track with God is the thought of the work involved. Let me be clear it is not the actual work itself that prevents us from getting on track with God, it is the thoughts that we tend to generate about what all we have to do to get right with God and shake that old man that we know is still actively participating in our lives.


Let Us Pray!


In general we put way more on ourselves then is necessary when we are in the stages of development though Christ. We are our worst enemy because we think that we must do this, I have to change this, I have got to get rid of this and that and stopping being here and there and all of these things that we start to think and before we realize it we have put so much pressure on ourselves with these thought and the thinking of what we have to do.  And this is the key reason why so many fail at developing themselves in Christ Jesus.


It is not your job to fix you. Let me say that again, it is not your job to fix you. It is the job of the Holy Spirit to fix you once you become a willing vessel ready to be fixed.


John 14:26 26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things,

John 16:8 and when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

The understanding of the importance of the spirt is what to many people lack to receive. Because people tend to get caught up on what they have to do instead of that the spirit can do through them. The road to recovery begins first with the fear of the Lord.

Psalms 111:10 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever.

And next with the understanding of the purpose of the spirit that dwells within you.

Let’s go to Romans 8 and do some real reading.

  1. Those that come to Christ are blessed, they do not have to fear hell or the punishment of hell any more they are reborn and on the road to recovery.
  2. The world in which we live in today has many rules and laws that are in direct contradiction to the righteousness of God.
  3. We cannot be justified by the law of this world, we cannot be saved our make it to heaven through to laws of this world.
  4. Our mortal bodies strive to be in compliance with the things of this world, this flesh desires to please the world instead of pleasing God. But God sent Christ to us so that the sinful nature of the world might be condemn within us through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  5. As we begin to see here in verse 10 if you are with God and have accepted God as your Lord and Savior then the Spirit of God dwelleth with you, and as the Spirit of God begins to dwell with you and talk with you and direct you in the things that you should be doing.
  6. Pay close attention to verse 11 and 12, the Spirit begins to quicken you.

There is no sin in the spirit of God, the spirit of God will begin to talk to you and convict you daily of things that you desire to do that it knows that it wants no part of. When that old man tries to do things that the spirit wants no part in. The spirit starts to nag at you, and pull you away from those things, it begins to convict your thoughts and your actions.

You honestly begin to recognize that you are in a battle and this battle is for your own spiritual salvation. Understand the scripture we must mortify the desires of the flesh, as the spirit tries to pull us away we must become willing and allow ourselves to be lead of the Spirit. If we do not do not allow the Spirit to change us then we will die in hell. It is important that we understand that the Spirit of God is going to walk with you daily, it is going to convict you daily, it is going to try its best to strip away the deeds of the flesh and replace it with the deeds of righteousness, but you have got to be a willing participant, you have got to want this change, you have got to want to be a new creation in Christ Jesus in order for the Holy Spirit to do its true work in you.

Don’t get caught up in all the things that you think you need to do, get caught up in allowing the Spirit that dwelleth in you to continue to do exactly that. One day you will look up and realize that you are not living the life that you use to live, that you are not carrying the luggage that you use to carry, that your life seems more at peace and love of God is exploding.

Get the right understanding of what you need to do and who responsibility it is to get those things done.