Get Strong In God-Power of Fasting

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May 22, 2016

Get Strong In God-Power of Fasting

Passage: Matthew 28:19,Matthew 3:13,Matthew 4:4,Matthew 6:16-18


Back to the Basics

Let’s Give God Some Praise!

Last week we went over the building your strength in God through praise. Also getting into the mindset that praise and worship are key ingredients in the tools that are available in our craft for the Lord.

Since we understand now how to energize ourselves in preparation of worship, since we understand that this is the fueling port to help us with our challenges of life that occur with all of us throughout the week, then let’s make sure that we are getting charged.

Somebody say Amen and let’s give God some real praise and shouts!

Staying on the same topic from last week getting stro9ng in God, getting your muscles intact so that you can effectively be able to perform your jobs in Christ Jesus.

Let me briefly explain to you why I say your job. When we think of job we think of a position of employment in which we receive compensation. One of the rules of employment is that you do something for me and I in turn compensate you through some means, and just so we are clear it does not have to be with money. We can trade and border. The element is as long as you are receiving something from me for your efforts to fulfill the task that is giving you. As believers in Christ Jesus you have a job for life. Your first order of assignment handed down to you by Christ himself

Matthew 28:19 (KJV)
19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  

Your very first assignment and lasting assignment is to share the word of God. To teach others, to perform the duties that are associated with being a believer in Christ Jesus.

In order to perform this task you must have the tools necessary for doing so. What a lot of people do not realize or understand is that Christ himself thought the disciples for three years, teaching them the tools of trade, giving them the confidence to perform the task that where going to be required of him.

So I tell you this so you understand this is no overnight crash course. If you want to get this right and be effective in it, then you need to understand that you many need to invest some time and energy into the craft.


This week are topic for building strength is fasting. Fasting is primarily a movement of willing abstinence or reduction from certain or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time.

Even though the normal key ingredient is abstinence from taking part of something, but for believers the key ingredient is declaration of the fast. If you are going to miss eating all day for God, then declare it before you start. It is not a declaration when you have gone ten hours with no food and then say oh I been fasting all day. No you have not, you have been starving all day and that is just about it.

If you are going to sacrifice your body for God, then let him know what you are doing so he can do what he needs to do.

Once again let me bring up the analogy of the gas station, you know you need fuel your tank is low or your battery needs charging. You are sitting in your vehicle outside at the pump. But for whatever reason you have not gone in to tell the attendant to turn on the pump, you are liable to sit there at the pump all day and night without any results.

So it is with God, if you do not tell him you are fasting then you may fast without getting any results.

One of the key things that we pattern ourselves after is Christ. The gospel of Matthew explains the life of Christ with chronological order.

Matthew 3:13 –Matthew 4:4

13  Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.

After the baptism of Christ he knew that he needed to gain more strength, he knew that he had to prepare himself for the challenge of life that laid ahead, he knew that he needed to sacrifice something to his father. He also knew that he was going to be challenge by the prince of darkness and that for him to able to contend with the tricks of devil that he needed to fast to his father.

It is important to also understand that when one is fasting, they should be taking in as much wisdom and knowledge of God as they can. We already know that one of the ways of doing this is reading or listening to the word of God. If you fasting then you shouldn’t be listen to Snoop Dog or any other circular influences. Your mind and attitude should be center and targeted toward your objective.

Matthew 6:16-18 (KJV)
16  Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
17  But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face;
18  That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.


It is very important that you do not run around talking about what you are doing. Listen to the instructions of Christ

There is a pattern of the Believer in God that has been used for thousands of years. Whenever God’s people needed something, whenever their backs were up against the wall, whenever there was a challenge that was coming before them that they knew not how to fix, resolve or get out of. They knew that fasting was a key eliminate in getting God’s attention.

It is important that you understand that fasting is needed in many circumstances and situation that may occur in our lives.

Matthew 17:14-21 (KJV)
21  Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.

Even though the disciples had been healing people and doing the work of the Lord, there came a time when Christ had to explain to them there are circumstances when you are going to need to tap into God. This type needs prayer and fasting.

So you need to understand that fasting is a tool that can be used to sharpen, strengthen and get more power from the God.

This is all about preparing oneself for the journey that is ahead of us.