Change is inevitable

Home / Change is inevitable
June 19, 2016

Change is inevitable

Passage: Rev 3:15-16,Ephesians 4:17-32,



Let’s Give God some Praise!

One of the fundamental aspects about learning is that learning creates growth and growth creates change. It is our intention that each and every person that comes into the house of the Lord eventually changes. Because to them that refuse to change, then they stay in the old state of the old man that has only one fate awaiting them.

Let us desire to be more than just church goers, let us desire to be all that we can in Christ Jesus. Amen

Rev 3:15-16  I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.


Ephesians 4:17-32

The title of today’s message is change is inevitable, you can attempt to run, you can attempt to hide, but inevitably you will change.

A lot of people know that they need God and have a sincere desire to have God but do not have a sincere desire to change for God.

Ask yourself today are you willing to change for God!

The problem is you want God be God in your life and to bless you and keep you and help you and preserve you but you do not want to do the necessary things that God has demanded of you to do.

Somewhere, somehow, somebody thought this was a burger king type church, where you could have it your way. But the devil is a lie. Amen

If you really want to receive the blessings of God than you need to adhere to the word of God.

Look at your life and ask yourself why it is in the shape that it is in? You complain about this and that. This is going right and that is going right but yet you wonder why.

The writing is all over the wall but you do not know how to interpret it.  Just like in the book of Daniels Ch. 5 King Belshazzar the son of Nebuchadnezzar.

When you continue to do things that are out of the will of God than you must begin to expect the drama that is associated with the wrath of God, you must expect to experience life as though you are no longer coveted by the protection of God.

My question today is why take the hard bumpy road when you could have went down new paved road. The things that we do and have impact on which road God allows us to travel upon.

Today is not promised to any of us, when King Belshazzar was sitting up there partying and having himself a grand time, he had no knowledge that his number would be called that night.

I am about to close, but when you manage to get the attention of God, than you have manage to do a good thing, but woe unto you if you do not make good on the focus that has been place upon you.

You need to know that change is inevitable, the word of God says that every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess, what state of life do you want to be in when you are forced to bowed down and confess, what favor of God do you want to be in? You need to ask yourself how much more drama do I want to put up with, how much more heartaches and ciaos do I want to live?

You don’t want to find yourself at the point where God says in Revelation, because you refused to change, because you wanted to straddle the fence, I have spew you out.

I do not know anyone personally that he has done this with because I have not sat at the judgement table with him as of yet, but I can tell you this, I wouldn’t want to be spew out by God.

Start thinking seriously about where you are and what you are doing in God. There is one way and one way only. And my prayer is that you find your way before the writing on the wall finds you.