The Sower

The Sower

Today were going to explore the scripture and study about the parable of the sower.



What Is Worship? God created humanity with a capacity to know, love, and worship Him. Worship is that place where the heart of God and the heart of His child meet. Oswald Chambers said, “Worship is giving God the best He has given you.” Worship carries the idea of showing reverence to God. It’s an...

Water Baptism

Water Baptism

What is Water Baptism? Water baptism is not a personal choice, but a command for believers. Jesus established water baptism as an ordinance when He gave the Great Commission (see Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16). Water baptism is a public, outward testimony that indicates a personal, inward faith. It gives evidence of the inner change that...

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit

Who Is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is a Person of the Trinity. When Jesus ascended to the Father, He promised His disciples “another Helper,” the Holy Spirit (see John 14:16–17). In Greek, the word another means, “another of the same kind.” Jesus promised a supernatural Helper just like Him. The Holy Spirit’s Preexistence...

The Father

The Father

The Father is God That the Father is God is an essential teaching of the Scriptures. In the Gospels, Jesus frequently called God “My Father” (see John 20:17) and taught His disciples to pray to God using the words “our Father” (see Matthew 6:9). Likewise, the Apostle Paul speaks of “God our Father” in his...

The Church

The Church

The Value of Church It is an absolute necessity to be involved in a church in order to walk with God and grow spiritually. The Bible instructs us to “consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together…” (Hebrews 10:24–25). What Is Church? In the...